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Institute of Medical Genetics

Job Openings

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Weiterführende Informationen

The Institute of Medical Genetics has vacancies.

Our more than 60 employees and around 20 students and researchers are committed to the well-being of our patients every day. In addition to our professional services, which include a genetics laboratory and a genetics consultation, the Institute is also involved in interdisciplinary and international research projects.

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Laborant*in / vor- und nachgeburtliche genetische Diagnostik 100 %

Wir suchen eine engagierte und qualifizierte Laborant*in zur Verstärkung unseres Teams im Bereich der vor- und nachgeburtlichen genetischen Diagnostik.


Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

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Weiterführende Informationen

Profile of the University of Zurich

More about Profile of the University of Zurich

With its 28,000 enrolled students, the University of Zurich is Switzerland's largest university. UZH occupies a leading position among European research institutions and, in several disciplines, it numbers among the world’s best.

Use your talent, your personal and professional skills with us.

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